Sunday, February 28, 2010


" 'The multitude,' Cavendish says. 'is always desirous of a change. They never see a great man set up but they must pull him down - for the novelty of the thing.'

...'I think it's just people. They always hope there may be something better.'

'But what do they get by the change?'

Wolf Hall

Helpful emendations

"And all outcomes are likely, all outcomes can be managed, even massaged into desirability: prayer and pressure, pressure and prayer, everything that comes to pass will pass by God's design, a design re-envisaged and redrawn, with helpful emendations, by the cardinal. He used to say, 'The king will do such-and-such.' Then he began to say, 'We will do such-and-such.' Now he says, 'This is what I will do.' "

Wolf Hall