"... Then they saw what Clover had seen.
It was a pig walking on his hind legs.
Yes, it was Squealer. A little awkwardly, as though not quite used to supporting his considerable bulk in that position, but with perfect balance, he was strolling across the yard ... And finally there was a tremendous baying of dogs and a shrill crowing from the black cockerel, and out came Napolean himself, majestically upright, casting haughty glances from side to side, and with his dogs gambolling round him.
He carried a whip in his trotter.
...Then came a moment when the first shock has worn off and when, in spite of everything - in spite of their terror of dogs, and of the habit, developed through long years, of never complaining, never criticizing, no matter what happened - they might have uttered some word of protest. But just at that moment, as though at a signal, all the sheep burst out into a tremendous bleating of --
'Four legs good, two legs better! Four legs good, two legs better! Four legs good, two legs better!'"
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